In the Jewelcrafting Materials category. An item from Classic World of Warcraft. Always up to date with the latest patch (7.2.0).
Voy. Forums: Goldbugs' Gulch. Bought but then sold shortly after at $4. Only asking Mugs but you still recommending this piggy ? Last edited by author: Sun May 2. Edited 1 time. The calculation has incorporated the real value of the USD's trade- weighted index (the real effective, or inflation- adjusted, $TWI). My gold index thereby shows the real changes in gold's value regardless of fiat currencies.
That is to say, regardless of the unreal, nominal, price- raising effects which governments cause to the fiat price of anything by the debasement of their fiat currencies. In my index, these nominal (unreal) effects of government fiat currencies are eliminated. Malartic in Quebec. When Brett locks into another . Brett is in his mid- 3. Canada, lives in Orange County, California.
Golden Valley Mines is the back- door into Abitibi. GZZ owns about half of RZZ (Abitibi) and with Glenn Mullan, controls perhaps 5. GZZ. Oh I forgot to mention, thanks to one of our TCR Network members for the tag on this: KZZ (the zed with the nickel in the name . The plan was for VZZ to be the recipient but a major VZZ (Uranium Valley Mines) shareholder, Rob Mc. Ewen, I am told, ix- nayed the idea.
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The sharp selloff between mid- April and early May was based purely on excessively- bearish sentiment, high fear levels that aren't sustainable. Sooner or later investors will realize the folly of fleeing this sector and flood back in with a vengeance. That will catapult these irrationally- beaten- down junior gold miners far higher.
Given GDXJ's serious problems, leading to diverting far too much of its capital into larger gold miners that definitely aren't juniors, you won't find sufficient junior- gold exposure in this troubled ETF. Instead traders should prudently deploy capital in the better individual junior gold miners' stocks with superior fundamentals. Their upside is vast, and would trounce GDXJ's even if that ETF was still working properly. Zealllc/1. 49. 52. Last edited by author: Sat May 2.
Edited 1 time.! With silver higher this week I thought we might have seen additional shorts added, BUT, the Commercials covered ANOTHER 6. Cut in HALF from the top approximately. Gold COT report is also getting very bullish.
Something BIG seems to be coming down the horizon because the commercials are now covering at a pace like I have never ever seen. No matter if gold is up the shares stink. When gold moves down they move down fast.
Seems no one wants them. Congratulations to the Banksters for screwing up another sector.
When will they pay for their crimes??? Now you have allowed the East to buy all the physical gold and silver. Yes you still control the paper but for how long?? Last edited by author: Fri May 1.
Edited 1 time. Shares continued to reel after the company said on Thursday in a regulatory filing it will tap shareholders for funds at a discount of 6. Sibanye will use the rights issue to repay a portion of a $2. Stillwater. Sibayne said it will offer new shares at 1. May 1. 7. Last edited by author: Fri May 1.
Edited 1 time.? Well, imagine me seeing 3. Gold yesterday! Banks Itau and Bradesco fell 1. JBS fell 1. 5% as the Brazilian bloodbath continued. And since SGE gold withdrawals are a suitable proxy for wholesale Chinese gold demand, it would point to 2. Chinese gold market. Last edited by author: Thu May 1.
Edited 1 time. The concept that I am using involves selling a short dated ATM PUT and using the premium to buy a same expiry OTM CALL, for a small credit. For example last week for TZA I sold a $1. PUT for $1. 1. 7 and bought a $1. CALL for $0. 4. 5.
Both expire June 1. I have a credit of $0. If, by that date the call is OTM it expires worthless and the PUT can be closed or rolled and a new later strike CALL to match opened. By adjusting the CALL and PUT strike prices I have been able to continue to roll or replace the position at either no cost or small credit for about 6 months. If a significant market crash occurs I will exercise the call and let it run hopefully for a decent profit.
I am running a similar position on VXX with the CALL and PUT strike both at $1. These are really just a synthetic long or risk reversal option positions which are intended just to break even as each OTM CALL expires worthless, but which could pay out handsomely on a real crash. Just an experiment on my part but today they really shone with VXX up $2. TZA up $1. 3. 5. It's manipulation pure and simple but clearly it is either tolerated or encouraged by higher powers. Either they don't understand the damage they're doing to their own country, in which case they are simply stupid, or they understand everything, in which case they are dangerous and corrupt.
Now up 0. 4 percent and moving quickly towards the red again.. No one is buying this gold move.. After being taken to the wood shed so many times people are not willing to buy the shares. Why buy them because the Banksters will only short them down like they have done over a million times already..
We are in a very rigged game.. On profits in the future on shares I will be buying physical.. I no longer like what I see.. Sometimes this thing flies. Worth keeping an eye on IMO. It can't budge with the all day rigging.
Many of the leading stocks are trading around the unchanged mark also. GG, CDE, WPM doing nothing. It just doesn't smell right.
The manipulation is so obvious that investors are just afraid to jump in after being set up a thousand times before. Silver is the key to a REAL move in everything, and at least for now, the big banks are saying NYET. It turns out they were right. Watching Cartoon News Network (CNN) embalm themselves day in & out is hilarious - pull up a chair & I like mine with lots of butter & salt. I THINK WE SHOULD AMEND THE CONSTITUTION SO HE CAN STAY IN 1. YEARS!!!!!! Last edited by author: Wed May 1. Edited 1 time. The common man and women pays for everything in one way or another.
Why would this time be any different? I was lambasted at a dinner party for sarcastically saying . Personally I was rooting for him the Donald to succeed but as it turns out ala Get me Roger Stone (Netflex Documentary) the American People/Evangelicals/ underemployed white people were all sold a bill of goods. Pence 4. 6th President.? My business partner from Little Rock a highly respected bond trader warned me about the Clinton's when he WAS Governor !!!
In fact some may remember about my Monica Lewinsky call in 1. I thought Bill Clinton was mentally ill and was headed for Impeachment. Every once in a while a broken clock Right?
Or possible there is something more to this. Trust me I would of rather of been right about the Feb 2. I have checked and re- checked my work and I would of done the same thing with regards to the feb 2.
I digress but this Donald thing that Phil Bond asked me about was and is spot on. And I have never backed off it as evidenced by my posts.
He is not behind the curtain, and may never be. I truly wish I was wrong about the latter. For my detractors the beating I took on that feb. This Donald thing is going to be a disaster. I guess they didn't count on it crashing the last 5 days?* Scientific Metals - proposes to complete a non brokered private placement of units at price of $0.
Scientific metals - intends to use net proceeds of private placement for phase 1 exploration program at its flagship Iron Creek cobalt property in Idaho Source text for Eikon: Further company coverage: Last edited by author: Wed May 1. Edited 1 time. Large trader pays ~$3 million for 1. January 2. 01. 9 $2. ABX calls (~1. 6% out of the money). This strike is more than 7.
LEAPs (options with long time horizons). Someone is very bullish on Barrick and most likely the $gold mining sector long term. The dollar and dow cow are caving. I got my ass kicked in last march.
I am not playing the markets because it is just to easy to be wrong on any leveraged trades. Besides I would rather build long term wealth. Psst this will not be pretty. The ban applies to naked shorting only and not to other short- selling activities. In 2. 00. 7, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) amended Regulation SHO to further limit possibilities for naked shorting by removing loopholes that existed for some broker/dealers. Regulation SHO requires lists to be published that track stocks with unusually high trends in . Some analysts point to the fact that naked shorting, albeit inadvertently, may help markets stay in balance by allowing the negative sentiment to be reflected in certain stocks' prices.
Participants in naked illegal short selling activities can be charged with a crime based on the SEC regulations. In 2. 01. 4, two Florida State University professors were charged with participating in the illegal practice that resulted in approximately $4. Ultimately, the accused agreed to a settlement with the SEC in the amount of $6. Back then, the stream that ran by the mine was grey- colored LOL - nobody cared. Individually, all of these releases don't mean much.
I think the real catalyst will be Nyrstar resuming production. I don't now what is taking so long with that one. I hope my patience will be rewarded before the zinc price drops below $1.
Unfortunately, rainy season is coming soon. But I think this solidies the combination of #consolidation / #exploration as value drivers for the company- $SCA (Savary) has nothing to do with all of these new properties. This further emphasizes the possibility of a bidding war between $ACA. L and $TGZ (let alone other players, because $SMF is in this mix and perhaps purposefully not included in the map), if ANY major further #exploration is achieved. BOTTOM LINE: I think announcements have been slower than expected for $SWA. But this is a BIG one, and I look forward to progress in this area. I used to go to the annual meetings but have not gone in some time.
The trouble with Barrick is they just kept issuing shares to finance, and now they have too many diluting the price. As far as I am concerned they could do a 2 for one and still have plenty for liquidity.