FSSFHomepage. 01. First Special Service Force. The Force won everything it fought for . In honour of the units 6. Helena, Montana at the Westcoast Colonial Hotel between August.
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My name is Alastair. Neely and since I was in high school in the early 1.
I have always. been interested in the First Special Service Force, I have visited. Helena, Montana twice to do research, Washington D. I have self published a 9. Force and have contributed a chapter titled The First. Special Service Force and the Canadian Involvement at Kiska to Fern Chandonnet's. War publication. I'm currently employed by London Public Library. Operational Supervisor at the Westmount Branch Library.
Dragon Armor Tanks and Diecast Military Vehicles This line features static pre-assembled, pre-painted models made of both diecast and plastic.
I belong to a variety of professional organizations such as the. Ontario Library Association, Canadian Library Association, American Library. Association, Ontario Museum Association, Ontario Archivists Association. If you can provide details of missing awards. Aitken, Robert B. Private (D1. 09. 79. Silver. Star. For gallantry in action on 7 January.
Mount Majo, Italy. Private Aitken volunteered for the task of. He crawled toward the position while under fire from the. Reaching a spot. twenty yards from the hostile weapon, he raised to his knees and threw. He then fired several bursts with his.
Private Aiken's heroic actions. Entered. military service from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Distinguished. Service Order. Col Akehurst, Commanding the First.
Regiment, First Special Service Force, was assigned the task of neutralizing. Island of Oort Gros.
For extradraordinary heroism in action on Mount. La Difensa, Italy, on 6 December 1. First Lieutenant Atto led a patrol. The patrol penetrated deep into enemy territory and neutalized. While proceeding alone with the prisoners. Armed only with a pistol, he.
Germans to surrender to him. He. be was forced to fire his remaining bullet to keep the prisoners in line. First Lieutenant Atto's courage and presence of mind. Entered military service from Montreal. Quebec, Canada. The. Sergeant Barlow encountered fierce resistance. The street along with Sergeant Barlow and his men advanced.
Noticing that intense and accurate sniper fire from Germans. Sergeant Barlow. ran to the wall, jumped to the top and fired his submachine gun at the. As he fired from this exposed position. Refusing treatment for his wound, he secured a rifle and returned.
Shouting encouragement to his men, Sergeant Barlow fired. He was struck in.
Seeing that the ammunition of the entire section. Without ammunition and suffering from his wounds, he remained. Still refusing treatment or his wounds, Sergeant Barlow led. Sergeant Barlow's. Rome. Entered military service.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ours, France, on 1.
September 1. 94. 4: Douglas E. Dickie, F- 3. 04. Private, Entered service at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Donald L. Fitzpatrick, A- 1. Private, Entered service at Windsor, Ontario Canada. John Barnett, D- 7. Sergeant. Entered service at Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
George T. Bundy, A- 5. Sergeant. Entered service at London, Ontario Canada. Lawrence H. Devison, F- 3. Sergeant. Entered service at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada. When their battalion commander asked. The ensuing fight. The actions of these men are in keeping with the highest traditions.
Armed Forces of the Allied Nations. Beacon was a member.
During. the attack Sgt. Beacon was continually in front of his men, leading the. While this engaged he received a painful. Although suffering. He was then ordered to report. Sgt. Beacon's calm leadership and.
Lieutenant Colonel Becket, without regard for his. The courage and aggressiveness.
Colonel Becket in personally reconnoitering enemy dispositions. Allied. forces. Entered the service from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Lieuteant. Star. For meritorious service in combat, from 2 January 1. January. 1. 94. 4, on Mount Majo, Italy.
First Lieutenant Bennett was in charge of supplying. He personally reconnoitered enemy held territory and led his trains. First Lieutenant Bennett displayed determination. Entered. military service from Montreal, Canada. Captain Recommendation. Croix De Guerre. The Second Battalion. Fifth Company was to.
Captian Bennett, the Company Commander. This patrol had not reached the ridge, when they were fired. Captain Bennett divided his men into two groups, each. After several. exchanges of gun fire, the enemy ahead of Captain Bennett's group apparently. He returned to his assembly. This fine example of leadership. Captain Bennet's thorough and complete reconnaissance of enemy.
Canada hold for their. Sergeant (3. 90. 30. Silver. Star. For gallantry in action on 2. May 1. 94. 4, near Borgo Podgora, Italy. Preceded. by a heavy artillery and mortar barrage, the enemy launched a counterattack. Sergeant Benson's squad. Aggressvely. moving his squad forward he repeatedly exposed himself to direct the fire.
When the fire of his machine guns became masked by high. Through the determined and skilful leadership of Sergeant.
Benson, the fire of his squad beat of the enemy counterattacl, allowing. Entered military service from Oregon.
During the move, the unit was subject to heavy small arms. Due to terrain difficulties, the wire. Radieosa, approximately 7. Hill 7. 24, this. Bodner and. Knight were members of a patrol of wire men sent back along the route taken. Despite heavy enemy.
As it was found impossible to further to further extend the. Sgts Bodner and Knight once more passed thru the enemy. Hill 7. 24 with information that contact had been made. Having delivered this information. Force Commander. All of the movements described were.
The two men passed throu positions. The extreme difficulty of retaining.
Both men conducted themselves in a manner showing both. Killed in Action 1. August 1. 94. 4. Bourne. Battalion was to secure and hold six main bridges.
Tiber in Rome until relieved. After quickly organizing his Battalion. Central Railroad Station, moving throught other elements. F. S. S. F. Bourne led his Battalion in a co- ordinated attack through the city. Tiber, hampered at first by the exuberant populace and later by.
It was due to Lt.- Col. Bournes'. quick and well executed aitack that these bridges were secured intact. As the first. scout of a reconnaissance patrol, Private Bowman on 9 September eliminated. Prior to moving out as the first scout during the assault. Privat Bowman gave accurate information to the gun commander. The complete success of the operation was largely due.
Private Bowman's courage, devotion to duty and intelligent actions as. Armed Forces. of the Allied Nations. Entered service from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Lieutenant Distinguished. Service Cross (Posthumous). First Lieutenant Boyce's platoon was designated as. Immediately after starting the attack, the platoon encountered fierce. The first objective.
First Lieutenant Boyce immediately reorganized his unit. Although wounded fatally. First Lieutenant Boyce devoted his remaining energy to. His determined. courage and aggressvie leadership are an everlasting inspiration to those.
Entered military. Jerome, Idaho. Boyce (Wife), Jerome. Idaho. Emile Briddon (Mother) 1.
North Cliff, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For gallantry in. December 1. 94. 3, on Mont *** Italy, Staff Sergeant Brotherton.
Staff Sergeant Brotherton. In the several enemy. Staff Sergeant Brotherton killed seven by rifle fire. Staff Sergeant. Brotherton's spirit and skill reflect credit upon himself and the two armies. Entered military service from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. Brown without thought of personal safety and realizing.
Tommy Gun blazing, kiling the enemy lead man and causing. Again on 2. 6th Febrary 1. Brown again jumped to.
Tommy Gun sprayed the position allowing his patrol. In both cased the patrol on which Brown was a member might. Ours, France, on 1. September 1. 94. 4: Douglas E. Dickie, F- 3. 04. Private, Entered service at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Donald L. Fitzpatrick, A- 1. Private, Entered service at Windsor, Ontario Canada. John Barnett, D- 7. Sergeant. Entered service at Montreal, Quebec, Canada. George T. Bundy, A- 5. Sergeant. Entered service at London, Ontario Canada.
Lawrence H. Devison, F- 3. Sergeant. Entered service at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada. When their battalion commander asked. The ensuing fight. The actions of these men are in keeping with the highest traditions. Armed Forces of the Allied Nations. Campbell's Section leader became a casualty.
Machine Gun. He immediately assumed. Section and by a skillful flanking move over a steep cliff. Campbell was killed in the ensuing. Section and knowledge of the tactical situation. Machine Gun nest, thus enabling. Company to gain the mountain top, and continued fighting until all. For heroic achievement in action on 2.
May 1. 94. 4, at. Artena, Italy. Entered military service from Oakland, California. For gallantry in action, at San Nicoli, Italy, on the night of 3.
May 1. 94. 4. Staff Sergeant Cuff, leading the center section of a three- pronged. San Nicoli, found his section under. Realizing the entire platoon was endangered by this stiff.
In doing. so, he drew heavy enemy fire upon himself thereby enabling all sections. The courage and unflinching devotion to duty exhibited by Staff. Sergeant Cuff were an inspiration to his men and reflect high credit upon. Allied Forces. Entered military service from Calgary, Alberta. Canada.. Ours, France, on 1. September 1. 94. 4: Douglas E. Dickie, F- 3. 04.
Private, Entered service at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Donald L. Fitzpatrick, A- 1. Private, Entered service at Windsor, Ontario Canada. John Barnett, D- 7. Sergeant. Entered service at Montreal, Quebec, Canada. George T. Bundy, A- 5. Sergeant. Entered service at London, Ontario Canada.
Lawrence H. Devison, F- 3. Sergeant. Entered service at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada. When their battalion commander asked. The ensuing fight.
The actions of these men are in keeping with the highest traditions. Armed Forces of the Allied Nations. Ours, France, on 1. September 1. 94. 4: Douglas E. Dickie, F- 3. 04. Private, Entered service at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Donald L. Fitzpatrick, A- 1.
Equipment. MARK BANDO'S WEBSITE/font color> Equipment/font color> In this 1. C- 4. 7 awaiting instructions to stand up and hook- up. These often tightened- up, due to the opening shock and descent, and many complaints were lodged by Normandy survivors that the buckles were too difficult and time- consuming to unfasten under combat conditions. These jumpers are also holding the static line hook in their left hand- this was attached to a steel cable which ran the length of the aisle just below the ceiling of the plane. Army switched to black boots circa 1. Saving Private Ryan'wherein paras are seen wearing black boots). Despite attempts to equip all D- Day jumpers with camo chutes, only about half of the chutes used on D- Day were camo chutes.
The photo above shows an M1- A1 with stock extended and an unusual adaptation to fit a sling just behind the muzzle. Homan of F/5. 01, is wearing an M4. Market Garden operation.
The carbines, which were usually issued to officers and men assigned to crew- served weapons like M. G. s and mortars, were the subject of many complaints. Photo courtesy Sammie N. Homan The photo above, taken upon landing on a practice jump in England, shows the leg scabbard commonly used as a holster for jumping the M1- A1 carbine, although other methods were also employed.
Army photo courtesy Cecil Simmons. Light Machinegun M1. A- 4/font color>. This photo was made in Tennessee, in September, 1. Army Maneuvers. S/Sgt Arch Phillips the platoon Sgt of the HQ/3, 5. LMG platoon, is shown with the eight guns assigned to that platoon.
These modifications were disliked by many gunners, because of the limited traverse afforded by the bi- pod. Many. troopers who survived Normandy traveled much lighter on the next combat jump into Holland.
Clay Blair wrote of Normandy in 'Ridgeways Paratroopers', describing it as . Hannah, the Regimental S- 3 officer of the 5. PIR during Normandy, dug- up an old document with the following orders. Air Corps pockets (2 clips and one box per pocket), 1. Thompson SMG: Rounds per weapon: 3.
Jumped on individual. M6 carrying bag, 1 clip in gun, hand, or jumpsuit pocket. Pistol M1. 91. 1A1: Rounds per weapon: 2. TSMG).'0. 3 Rifle: Rounds per weapon: 1. Air Corps pockets (7 clips per pocket), 1 5 rnd. M6 bag; 5. 4 dropped in bundles and carried in cart (4 carts per company). Rounds per weapon: 5.
Customized M- 6 Scabbard. Johnny Hahn was a Catholic trooper from a poor part of Philadelphia. This is on the upper backstrap of the scabbard, which is hidden behind the handle of the knife, when the knife is in the scabbard. At right, the front section of the scabbard between the date and the metal protective plate, on the portion of the scabbard that covered the blade. This illustrates the typical condition of an object that was dug- up after fifty years in the ground.
It is shown with its M- 8 fiber type scabbard. Army color code for High Explosives (H. E.). In early war battles in the Pacific, Japanese troops easily spotted the yellow grenades in the jungle, which frequently enabled them to toss them back before detonation. Photographic evidence indicates that the Army was still trying to use- up the early war yellow grenades in 1. Normandy Invasion photos. Don Burgett describes being on grenade- filling detail in England, pouring powder into grenade bodies- filling them only about one third full gave the desired result in powder combustion. At Bloody Gulch on 1.
June, 1. 94. 4, 3/5. After sliding the armband up the sleeve, a small loop was threaded through the epaulette to secure it in place. These brassards. would turn red if exposed to mustard gas. Headquarters and glider units also seemed to wear them.