Grammarly Review 2. Does it do all it claims to do? Update: If you are looking for an IOS app we have the perfect solution – grammarist app. It’s a well- established fact that proofreading your writing can be a very painful task.
Yes, some writers smirk at the very mention of proofreading—they never proofread their work because their work is the product of the moment. But people who write for a living—as well as anyone who has to write important emails or assignments—can tell you that proofreading your work before you turn it in or press send is essential. With proofreading, every little bit of help is welcome. The autocorrect and spell- check tools most word processors have are great, but they only amount to a single line of defense.
Specialized proofreading software can sometimes be helpful, but there are many products out there that claim one thing and deliver another. You also have to pay for most of them, even though they won’t remove the need for you to check your writing. But that could be OK if they provide substantial help. And that leads us to Grammarly. On paper, it sounds great. Grammarly is advertised as the world’s most accurate grammar checker. It can fix 2. 50 types of errors, and it provides plenty of other features that will help users improve their grammar and vocabulary.
A lot of its features are free. It’s available as a browser extension, a Microsoft Office add- in, a desktop app you can install on your computer, or a web page you can visit. But all of that means nothing unless the product works well in practice, and we want to see just how well Grammarly performs. So we’ll take it for a spin and see what we can find out.
How We’ll Test It. The full set of features offered by Grammarly includes a contextual spelling checker, a grammar checker, a punctuation checker, a sentence structure checker, an option to adjust the checks for genre- specific writing styles, a plagiarism checker, and a vocabulary enhancement tool. Grammarly also allows users to choose whether they’ll be using British English or American English, and it has an integrated dictionary and thesaurus. For this test, we’ll be using a Grammarly Premium account, set to American English. We’ll devise a series of sentences that will test each of Grammarly’s features for some common (and a couple of less common) mistakes.
The idea of the test is not to discover the limits of Grammarly and which types of errors are not included in the 2. Grammarly supposedly checks for. The idea is to determine the app’s value by testing it on sentences containing realistic mistakes that people often make. To determine how well the plagiarism checker performs, we’ll take a couple of sentences from an article published on a lesser- known website and run them through the checker. We’ll then gradually change the sentences to see how well the plagiarism checker deals with rewording. To test Grammarly’s effectiveness on different styles of writing, we’ll find an example from one of the seven major writing genres Grammarly recognizes. We’ll see how Grammarly does with the checks adjusted for that genre, and then we’ll try it with the checks adjusted for a couple of other genres to determine what the differences are.
We’ll end with an examination of how well the British English vs. American English setting works. Contextual Spelling Test.
The contextual spelling tool checks for misspelled words and correctly spelled words used in the wrong context. We’ll start with a sentence containing a few spelling mistakes that should be relatively easy to catch: Our grand- mother was the definative sourse on there family’s historie. This sentence contains five spelling errors—an unnecessary hyphenation of the word “grandmother,” misspellings of “definitive,” “source,” and “history,” and the word “there” instead of “their.”Grammarly flagged “grand- mother” as a possibly confused word and suggested “grandmother”; it suggested the correct spellings of “definative” and “sourse,” and it suggested changing “there” to “their.” As for “historie,” Grammarly flagged it as a possibly confused word and suggested we use “historic” instead.
When we changed the word to “historic,” Grammarly didn’t flag it, which is why, in this part of the test, it got four out of five correct. Let’s give it another go: She told tale’s about her Uncle Jim, with many colourful details—she remembered witch hankerchief he had on him when he met the famous playwrite. In this sentence, there are five mistakes—“tales” has an extraneous apostrophe, “colorful” is spelled the British way, “witch” should be “which,” and “handkerchief” and “playwright” are both misspelled. Grammarly didn’t flag “tale’s.” It did flag “colourful” as a British English spelling and suggested the American spelling. It caught “witch” as a possibly confused word and suggested we use “which” instead, and it flagged both “hankerchief” and “playwrite” and suggested the correct spellings. In this part of the test, Grammarly got four out of five correct. We’ll test them simultaneously.
Grandma remembered her teachers, Paula and Trevor, she could told you how their voices sounded when they was happy? This sentence contains a comma splice (. Trevor, she . The question mark at the end of the sentence is wrong, too. Grammarly flagged the comma splice and offered a list of possible solutions: replacing the comma with a semicolon, adding “and” after the comma, or replacing it with a period and capitalizing the “s” in “she.” Grammarly also caught the mistake with “told,” and suggested changing it to “tell” or “be told.” The app also flagged the subject- verb disagreement, and it suggested the proper correction. As for the misused question mark at the end of the sentence, Grammarly didn’t flag it. But it did flag the word “Paula” and suggest a comma after it because it’s a part of a series of three or more words. This suggestion would have been correct if we were indeed dealing with a list.
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However, grandma remembers Paula and Trevor, who were her teachers. She’s not remembering her teachers plus Paula and Trevor. All in all, Grammarly caught three out of four. As for the serial comma issue, it was a false positive, but it erred on the side of caution. We checked whether it would flag a real serial comma issue: Trevor never showed up to class without his bowtie, his hat and his umbrella. And it did. One out of one. My brother, and me would of listened for hours at time.
In this sentence, there’s an unnecessary comma, “me” was used instead of “I,” “would of” was used instead of “would’ve,” and there’s an article missing before “time.”Grammarly flagged the unnecessary comma after “brother.” It suggested “I” instead of “me,” and flagged “would of” with a comment that this phrase, as well as similar phrases like “could of,” are never correct. It also flagged the missing article before time, suggesting that we add “a” or “the.” In this case, Grammarly caught four out of four. In total, Grammarly flagged eight out of nine errors and gave one false positive.
Sentence Structure, Style, Vocabulary Enhancement. The sentence structure checker finds misplaced words, incorrect sentence structure, and incorrect word order. The style checker is a bit more subjective—it flags wordiness and redundancies, but it’s also supposed to enhance your writing style, without stating exactly how. The vocabulary enhancement tool offers synonyms and suggestions about word use. Having sat in the chair, the storytelling would begin.
This sentence contains a dangling modifier—“having sat in the chair” doesn’t refer to “the storytelling.” Grammarly caught the mistake and urged us to rewrite the sentence to avoid it. One out of one. My brother and I inherited her own talent for telling stories, but we display it in various different ways: I became a fiction writer because I wanted to create my stories, and my brother became a decent documentary filmmaker because he was interested in other people’s stories; stories were the greatest gift we got from our grandma, and we will always remember where we got it from. Four things are wrong with this sentence. It was written to be very long, there’s an unnecessary “own” near the beginning, “various different” is a redundancy, and the sentence ends with a preposition.
While the unnecessary word and the redundancy are clearly mistakes, it’s not necessarily a problem for sentences to be very long, and they can end with prepositions. Grammarly flagged the whole sentence for wordiness and suggested we break it into smaller ones.
It caught the two obvious mistakes, suggesting we delete “own” and “different.” It didn’t find the preposition at the end of the sentence. Because the 6. 8- word sentence might need some chopping, and because sentences can sometimes end with prepositions, this is four out of four. Paul’s grades were better. Grammarly flagged the incomplete comparison in this sentence.
One out of one. This sentence is missing a subject, and Grammarly flagged it correctly. One out of one. So far, we haven’t seen any vocabulary enhancement suggestions, but for sentence structure and style, Grammarly got seven out of seven. Plagiarism Checker. We used this paragraph to test Grammarly’s plagiarism checker: Offering someone a drink is a sign of trust and friendship and it is a faux pas to turn down the proposal. You’d not want to offend a local by declining their offer of a drink and have to deal with a confrontation as your glass is hurled at the glass splashbacks of a bar!
Vodka is always drunk neat and without ice, as adding anything is seen as compromising the purity of the drink. Unless of course the vodka is mixed with beer, which creates a hefty blend that Russians call . It also offered a suggestion for a vocabulary enhancement, saying that “blend” might be pair better with “strong” instead of “hefty.” By changing only a couple of words in the original material, we managed to get a 1. Offering someone a drink is a good sign of trust and friendship and it is a faux pas to turn down the proposal.